Band Boosters

Who are the EMS Band Boosters?

On behalf of the Eisenhower Middle School Band Booster (EMSBB) board, we wish to welcome new and returning band families.   We are all part of the Eisenhower Middle School band community.  You, the parents, are “The Eisenhower Band Boosters.” Our goal is to encourage our children’s creativity and love of music by providing our time, talent, and financial support to Eisenhower’s fantastic band program. 

The support of the Band Boosters has helped make the Eisenhower Middle School band program one of the best in the State of New Mexico.

The Band Boosters supplement the limited APS budget to provide financial support for instrument purchase and repair, specialized clinicians during 6th grade instrument selection, sheet music, Smart Music subscriptions, Hummingbird scholarships, participation and transportation to music festivals, and so much more.  We invite all of you to volunteer your time, your skill and your effort to the Band Boosters.

Volunteer possibilities include chaperoning at the numerous music events that require bus transportation (more details on the Resources page); showcasing your talent with the holiday baskets fundraiser; helping to organize and distribute fundraiser sales; highlighting our bands as photographer; and aiding our band directors as an office assistant. 

We look forward to another great year.  If you have any questions, please contact us through our band email(s).

2023-2024 Executive Board

You can now make donations to the program directly by clicking the Square Checkout Donate button below, or sending a check made payable to EMS Band Boosters to:

11001 Camero Rd.
Albuquerque, NM 87111